The best insulting jokes

Yo' Mama is like a campfire: everyone gets to stick their wiener in.
has 56.84 % from 20 votes. More jokes about: insulting, Yo mama
Yo Momma so fat she sat on the beach and Greenpeace threw her in!
has 56.84 % from 20 votes. More jokes about: fat, insulting, Yo mama
Yo' Mama is so ugly, she not only got hit with the ugly stick, she must have got lost in an ugly forest.
has 56.77 % from 17 votes. More jokes about: insulting, ugly, Yo mama
Your mama so fat she climbed up hill and fell back down.
has 56.77 % from 17 votes. More jokes about: fat, insulting, Yo mama
Yo mamma so fat when she looked at the scale she yelled, "Thats not my weight, thats my phone number!"
has 56.50 % from 42 votes. More jokes about: fat, insulting, phone, Yo mama
Yo mama's so dumb, she thinks socialism means partying!
has 56.50 % from 42 votes. More jokes about: insulting, party, political, stupid, Yo mama
My mother-in- law is so cross-eyed, that when she cries the tears roll down her back!
has 56.36 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: insulting, mother in law
Yo momma is so stupid she stared at an orange juice container for 2 hours because it said concentrate.
has 56.05 % from 28 votes. More jokes about: insulting, stupid, time, Yo mama
Yo mama so poor when i went to her house and picked up a paper plate she yelled "Not my good china!"
has 56.02 % from 52 votes. More jokes about: food, insulting, money, Yo mama
Yo mama so loose...when she walks down the street her pussy claps!
has 55.87 % from 36 votes. More jokes about: insulting, Yo mama
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