Q: Why was the black baby crying?
A: He had diarea and thought he was melting.
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What did the Asian parents name their retarded baby.
Sum ting wong.
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Because two Wongs don't make a white!
Two girlfriends meet again after a few years.
One is pushing around a baby buggy.
The first girlfriend looks at the baby and is perplexed.
"Black skin? Blue slit eyes? A blonde afro? How did you do that?"
Murmurs the other woman.
"Damn gangbang! At least he doesn't bark!"
What do you name an Asian baby with problems?
Sum ting wong.
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It's annoying when it comes out black.
Q: How do Asians get their name?
A: They throw a pan down the hall and listen to the noise.
Example: Dong Ching Lau.
A cowboy and a retard are sitting at home bored.
The cowboy says," let's go down to the bowling alley and beat up niggers."
The retard says ," OK ".
When they arrive , the cowboy sees five black dudes bowling.
He goes over and starts beating their asses.
He stops and looks to see the retard smashing bowling balls with a sledgehammer.
He goes over and says, " hey... I thought we was gonna beat up niggers?"
The retard responds, " yeah...you get the live ones, I'll kill the eggs ."
There is three kids sitting at the lunch table one day.
One kid ask what do you call a mixed baby?
One replies a zebra,another replies a mistake and the third one replies.
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