Chuck Norris can build a Water Dam...
In the Sahara Desert.
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A few guys tried to follow Chuck Norris during a light workout while he was vacationing in Hawaii. It's now called the Ironman Triathlon.
Once visiting Arizona, Chuck Norris spat on the ground.
The place is now known as the meteor crater.
When Chuck Norris visits Egypt, the sand didn't burn his feet, his feet burnt the sand, hence the discovery of glass.
Chuck Norris once went skydiving but promised never to do it again.
One Grand Canyon is enough.
A study showed the leading causes of death in the United States are:
1. Heart disease
2. Chuck Norris
3. Cancer
Chuck Norris once round house kicked a bear while on a survival trek in Siberia.
That incident was known as the Tunguska event.
In 2011 someone asked Chuck Norris if he had ever been to Portugal.
He answered: "Where?"
The country went bankrupt.
Joke has 47.02 % from 84 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, communication, geography, money, travel
Chuck Norris once decided to dig a hole, today we call it the Grand Canyon.
Scientis cannot figure out where Atlantis is...
Chuck Norris owns a villa there.
Chuck Norris once jumped. Now we have seven Continents and a tilted planet.