The best kids jokes

Happy Father's Day to a dad who was smart enough to teach me how to mow the lawn so he would't have to.
has 67.64 % from 28 votes. More jokes about: Fathers day, kids, teacher, work
A little girl took her report card home and showed it to mom. The mother was very disappointed by all the very low grades. "Well look on the bright side" said the child, "you know for sure I don't cheat."
has 67.52 % from 47 votes. More jokes about: kids, school, stupid
What do you call a old snowman? Water.
has 67.52 % from 47 votes. More jokes about: kids
"Dad, your Father's Day gift is another year of not having to pay for my wedding."
has 67.52 % from 47 votes. More jokes about: Fathers day, kids, money, wedding
I think my sons gay...I took off the seat of his bike, and he didn't notice.
has 67.38 % from 285 votes. More jokes about: gay, kids
There is nothing fun about a funeral, but despite that, I had a good laugh at the following reaction by my two children. We, along with a bunch of other relatives, were following the hearse of my late great aunt. When my daughter, who always tends to focus on the morbid things in life raised the dreaded question, "Dad, what's going to happen to us when you die?" My son who was busy texting one of his friends at the time barely glanced up from his phone. "We'll go in the limousine dummy."
has 67.31 % from 54 votes. More jokes about: death, family, funeral, kids, phone
What do spinach and anal sex have in common? If you're forced to have it as a kid, you'll hate it as an adult.
has 67.31 % from 100 votes. More jokes about: black humor, kids, sex
Deer Hunter. A sportsman, and father of 3 sons, was anxious to share his latest kill with his family for Sunday dinner. He didn't want his sons to refuse tasting the delicious venison, so he sat the boys down to dinner without telling them what the meat was they were about to eat. "Oh come on Dad," said the oldest son. "What is this meat?" "Just taste it," said the father, "You will love it." The boys eyed each other nervously and put a piece of the meat on their forks. "Give us a little hint.", pleaded the second son. "Only if you take a bite.", said the father. As each boy took a cautious bite of the venison, the father continued, "Let me think, your mother calls me this from time to time." The oldest boy shouted, "Spit it out boys, it's asshole!"
has 67.28 % from 124 votes. More jokes about: dad, family, food, hunting, kids
Once upon time, there were three friends playing on a beach. One kid's parents were good business people. The second kid lives in a good family where he is taught to respect his elders. The third kid was a poor redneck with an abusive father. Anyways, they were playing on the beach when a helicopter crashed down into the water. They saw a man drowning and all raced to save him. As they pulled the man to shore they realized it was Obama. The president then said, "Thank you kids for saving me! I'll give you each one wish!" The first kid said he wanted a helicopter. The second kid wished for some money. And the redneck asked for a wheel chair. Obama, concerned, asked why the poor boy wouldn't want some money for his family. The kid replied, "Cause when pap finds out what I've done, I ain't gonna be walking for a pretty long time."
has 67.09 % from 113 votes. More jokes about: age, kids, old people, political, racist
What is the difference between Michael Jackson and a grocery bag? One is white, plastic, and dangerous to children. You put groceries in the other.
has 66.97 % from 173 votes. More jokes about: black humor, celebrity, kids, music
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