What's the difference between a white naked woman and a black naked woman?
The white girl is seen in Playboy and the black chick is seen on National Geographic.
What do you call a barn full of dead niggers?
Out dated farm equipment.
An old Jewish man gets on the subway in New York and sees a priest.
He notices the white collar, and decides to ask what it’s about.
"Why do you wear your collar backwards?" The old Jewish man asks.
The Priest, being polite, responds, "Well, Sir, because I’m a father."
"I am a father too, but I wear my collar normal."
"Yes," the Priest begins, "but I am father of many."
The old Jewish man shakes his head. "I have 8 children, and so many grandchildren I don’t know most their names, and still my collar isn’t backwards."
The priest, aggitated, slams his fist in his palm "Sir! I am the father of hundreds!"
The elderly Jewish man, beweildered, stands to get off the subway, and leans over to the priest "Mister, maybe you should start wearing your pants backwards."
There's a black and a Mexican in a car, who's driving?
The Cop
What do u call 4 mexicans sinking in quicksand?
Q:What's black on top of white?
A: Rape
Q:What's white on top of black?
A: Society
Why is making toast like an interracial couple having a baby?
It's annoying when it comes out black.
If pretty women from the south are southern bells, would that make pretty women from Mexico taco bells?
Me: Staring contest. Go!
Me: O.O
Friend: -.-
Me: I win! You blinked! Haha
Friend: You bastard, I'm asian!
How do you blindfold an Asian?
With dental floss!