Why do mexicans walk around the school like they own the place?
Cause there dad built it and there mom cleans it at night.
How are black people and wolves similar?
They both fight in packs.
What do you call a bunch of mexicans in a barn?
Modern farm equiptment.
What did Zimbabweans have before candles?
If the world population was made into a sweater, where would the black people be put?
In the hood!
Q: Whats the difference between a black person and an apple?
A: The apple falls from the tree.
Q: What do you call a guy with his hand up a Camel's arse?
A: An Arab mechanic.
Why are niggers afraid of chainsaws?
Because when you turn on a chainsaw it says "Run nigga nigga nigga Run nigga nigga nigga"
Q: What do men and garbage bags have in common?
A: Black are bigger than white.
Joke has 59.92 % from 222 votes. More jokes about: black people, dirty, insulting, racist, white people
Why are black people so tall?
Because their knee-grows.