The best racist jokes

At the New York Zoo, a little boy felt the urge to feed his banana to a big gorilla there. His mother didn’t allow it. The boy started to cry, and made his mother to change her mind. Proudly, the boy goes near the gorilla with the banana and as he was about to give it away, the gorilla grabbed him and was prepared to eat him. Crying and shouting, the boy tries to escape, but even his mother stood still in the sight of it. Suddenly, something sounded like a hum up in the air... It was Superman! Superman rescued the child! The crowd relieved applauses. The Media arrived at that point, and the reporters started interviewing Superman. "Which newspaper are you from?" Superman asked to one of them. "New York Times." "You can ask me now." Superman said. "Were you scared while saving the kid?" "Yes, but it doesn’t matter to me. I want to help other human beings, no matter the cost." To the next reporter: "Which newspaper are you from? "Herald Tribute. Which are your beliefs about children?" "I believe that children are the future of our world and that we should, all of us protect them from evil." The third reporter: "Which newspaper are you from?" "Risebroker" (Rizospastis, a Greek newspaper) "To you, you damned communist, I’m not saying a word!" Next Day, Newspapers write in their FrontPage: New York Times – Superman, the abnegation and human sacrifice standard! Herald Tribute – Superman, the defender and children Savior! Risebroker – Superman, Propagandist, right winged fascist, deprives food from South-African immigrant!
has 55.00 % from 43 votes. More jokes about: racist
There are 4 guys in a car, 1 from Iowa,1 from Wisconsin, 1 from Florida, and 1 from Illinois. The guy from Florida says "I’m tired of seeing oranges everyday" so he throws some oranges out the window. So then the guy from Iowa says "I’m tired of seeing Corn everyday" so he throws some corn out the window. The guy from Wisconsin is very inspired so he opens the door and pushs the guy from Illinois out of the car!
has 55.00 % from 43 votes. More jokes about: car, racist
Chuck Norris and Hitler were sitting in a cafe. Chuck said, "I don't like the juice." Hitler heard him wrong.
has 54.79 % from 238 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, food, Hitler, racist
A Jewish boy asked his father "Father, can you lend me 50 dollars?" The father replied, "40 dollars, What do you need 30 dollars for?"
has 54.77 % from 136 votes. More jokes about: communication, jewish, mean, money, racist
Q: How do you know Noah was a White man? A: No nigger could stay on a boat for 40 days without eating the chickens!
has 54.61 % from 759 votes. More jokes about: animal, black people, food, racist, white people
What happens to black people after they die? Nigger Mortis.
has 54.57 % from 75 votes. More jokes about: black people, death, racist
Q: How many Mexicans does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Just Juan.
has 54.49 % from 104 votes. More jokes about: racist
Q: What's the difference between a black guy and a trampoline? A: You take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline.
has 54.36 % from 217 votes. More jokes about: black people, racist
How does a girl from Harlem practice safe sex? She locks the car doors.
has 54.26 % from 113 votes. More jokes about: car, racist, sex
I don't understand why everyone hates black people so much. Black people are great! Everyone should own one!
has 54.08 % from 197 votes. More jokes about: black people, racist
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