The best racist jokes

Why is there no mexican olympics? Because everyone who can run, jump, or swim is already across the boarder.
has 79.14 % from 1674 votes. More jokes about: mexican, racist, sport
You know your f*cked when the Asian says, "shit", during the test.
has 79.14 % from 2092 votes. More jokes about: racist, school
I'll admit that the Chinese kids in math class are pretty smart. But doing it with their eyes closed... that's a bit cocky.
has 79.08 % from 1630 votes. More jokes about: math, racist
What did the Asian parents name their retarded baby. Sum ting wong.
has 78.95 % from 1108 votes. More jokes about: baby, racist
What has two wings and a halo? A Chinese telephone. Wing, Wing, Halo
has 78.95 % from 406 votes. More jokes about: phone, racist
Why do Jews watch porn backwards? Because their favorite part is when the hooker gives the money back.
has 78.91 % from 1927 votes. More jokes about: jewish, money, racist, sex
A Jewish man walks into a bar and sits down. He has a few drinks, then he sees a Chinese man and punches him in the face. "Owch!" the Chinese man says. "What was that for?" "That was for Pearl Harbor," the Jewish man says. "But I'm Chinese!" "Chinese, Japanese, what's the difference?" And the Jewish man sits back down. Then, the Chinese man walks up to the Jewish man and punches him in the face. "Ouch!" the Jewish man says. "What was that for?" "That was for the Titanic," the Chinese man says. "But that was an iceberg!" "Ice berg, Goldberg, what's the difference?"
has 78.90 % from 961 votes. More jokes about: alcohol, bar, jewish, racist
What do the KKK and Nike have in common? They both make a nigga run faster.
has 78.90 % from 2945 votes. More jokes about: black people, racist
Two Jewish guys are walking when one notices a sign on a Catholic church that says "Convert to Christianity, and we'll give you $100." The one says to the other, "should we do it?" The other says "NO!! Are you crazy?" The first guy replies "Hey, a hundred dollars is a hundred dollars... I'm gonna do it." So he walks in to the church, and little while later, he walks back out. The friend says "well, did you get the money?" He replies "Oh that's all you people think about, isn't it?"
has 78.79 % from 1075 votes. More jokes about: catholic, church, jewish, money, racist
What do you call an Asian billionare. Cha Ching.
has 78.70 % from 1326 votes. More jokes about: money, racist
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