The best school jokes

Little Johnny is sitting in class, the teacher is going over vocabulary words. She asks the class to use a word in a sentence. The teacher says the word is "contagious". Johnny is waving his arm up and down, no other students have their arm up. The teacher figures there is no way Johnny can come up something rude for this word, and she calls his name to use the word in a sentence. Johnny says the other day, my dad and I were driving down the freeway and woman was painting a billboard, she was using a very small brush. The teacher says "what does this have to do the word contagious?" Johnny says "my dad turned to me and said: 'Son it is going to take that "cunt-ages" to paint that billboard with that little brush!'" The teacher says, "never again!"
has 73.66 % from 117 votes. More jokes about: communication, dad, little Johnny, school, teacher
“Dad, can you write in the dark?” “I think so. What is it you want me to write?” “Your name on this report card.”
has 73.49 % from 180 votes. More jokes about: school
Girl: What if a boy hugs me? Mom: Say Don't Girl: What if he kisses me? Mom: Say stop. The next day when the girl goes to school her boyfriend hugs and kisses her well so she says as her mother told her to do and she quickly said DON'T STOP!...
has 73.44 % from 30 votes. More jokes about: life, school
Nate: Why was school easier for cave people? Kate: Why? Nate: Because there was no history to study!
has 73.36 % from 331 votes. More jokes about: history, school
There's this black kid that goes to school and realizes teachers treat him differently than the white kids. So, he goes home, paints himself white and shows his dad. His dad beats the crud outta him. He shows his mother, "Hey Ma, Look! I'm white!" He gets beat by his mom too. Lastly, he shows his Grandmother, "Grandma, Look! I'm white! She beats him badly with her cane and sends him to his room. Later, his dad comes into his room and asks, "Son, did you learn anything out of this?" And the boy replies, "Duh! I've only been white for an hour and I already hate three niggers!"
has 73.33 % from 1040 votes. More jokes about: kids, racist, school, teacher, white people
Teacher: Name two days of the week that start with "t". Pupil: Today and Tomorrow.
has 73.31 % from 49 votes. More jokes about: school
Jordan: My teacher says I have to write more clearly. Mom: That’s a good idea, Jordan. Jordan: No, it’s not. Then she’ll know I can’t spell.
has 73.31 % from 85 votes. More jokes about: school
A second grader came home from school and said to her mother, "Mom, guess what? We learned how to make babies today." The mother, more that a little surprised, tried to keep her cool. "That's interesting," she said, "How do you make babies?" "It's simple," replied the girl. "You just change 'y' to 'i' and add 'es'."
has 73.29 % from 111 votes. More jokes about: baby, kids, school
Father: Son this time, you have to score 90% marks in your exams. Son: No father I'll score 100% marks. Father: Why are you kidding? Son: Who started?
has 73.22 % from 67 votes. More jokes about: school
Teacher: “Johnny, what is the outside of a tree called?” Johnny: “I don’t know.” Teacher: “Bark, Johnny, bark.” Johnny: “Bow, wow, wow!”
has 73.21 % from 207 votes. More jokes about: school
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