Best jokes ever

Q. Did you hear they came out with a new lesbian shoe? A. They're called Dikes. They have an extra long tongue and only take one finger to get off!
has 65.73 % from 327 votes. More jokes about: lesbian, sex
Did you hear about the guy who invented the knock knock joke? He won the "no-bell" prize!
has 65.72 % from 118 votes. More jokes about: knock-knock
Q: What was Hitler's favorite drink? A: Concentrated jews.
has 65.70 % from 432 votes. More jokes about: black humor, death, Hitler, jewish, morbid
A husband and wife are walking down the street when a beautiful young woman blows the husband a kiss. ‘I met her last week,’ explains the husband. ‘Professionally of course.’ The wife replies, ‘Which profession? Yours or hers?’
has 65.70 % from 95 votes. More jokes about: sex
What do u call 4 mexicans sinking in quicksand? Quatro,sinko.
has 65.68 % from 217 votes. More jokes about: racist
Yo momma's like a "Happy Meal" small, cheap and greasy.
has 65.68 % from 75 votes. More jokes about: insulting, Yo mama
Knock, knock. Who's there? Nobel. Nobel who? No bell, I knock.
has 65.67 % from 85 votes. More jokes about: knock-knock
Chuck Norris keeps his friends close and his enemies closer. Close enough to drop them with one round house kick to the face.
has 65.66 % from 134 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, death, friendship
What do women and condoms have in common? If they're not on your dick they're in your wallet.
has 65.66 % from 134 votes. More jokes about: women
Should women have children after 35? "No, 35 children are enough!"
has 65.66 % from 413 votes. More jokes about: age, kids, women
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