Best jokes ever

Q: What's the difference between Yo' Mama and a dartboard? A: Yo' Mama's had more pricks.
has 60.85 % from 32 votes. More jokes about: Yo mama
Chuck Norris does not get frostbite. Chuck Norris bites frost.
has 60.85 % from 32 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
Yo mama so old, she walked into a museum and found her ex.
has 60.85 % from 32 votes. More jokes about: age, old people, relationship, Yo mama
There is legend that goes like this: In a bar in New York there is a magical mirror If you go up to it and tell it the truth it will grant you a wish If you lie – poof it swallows you up. A brunette, a blonde and a redhead walk into this bar. They head straight for the mirror. The redhead goes first and says “I think I’m the most beautiful woman on Earth” Poof- the mirror swallows her up. The brunette goes up to the mirror and says “I think I’m the sexiest woman on Earth” Poof – the mirror swallows her up. Last, the blonde goes up to the mirror says ” I think...” Poof!
has 60.85 % from 32 votes. More jokes about: bar, beauty, blonde, ginger
Take a squirt gun into the rest room stall next to someone and shoot little drops over the wall every couple of seconds while pretending to pee.
has 60.85 % from 32 votes. More jokes about: April fools, disgusting
Chuck Norris' pulse-rate is measured on the Richter Scale.
has 60.85 % from 153 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, health
In some countries, criminals have the option of either going to jail or spending a day living with Chuck Norris. No one has ever chosen Chuck Norris
has 60.84 % from 65 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, prison
A man enters a pet shop. He wants to buy live mice to feed his python. The man saw the cage with a parrot and begins to examine it. In this moment the parrot said, "Your fly is undone." The man blushed. He looked around if anyone sees him and closed his zipper. The parrot said again, "Your pants have a slit back." The man blushed still more and tried to cover his ass with a hand. "Your shoelaces are untied", the parrot does not cease. The man bent down to tie his shoelaces. "Farted! ... You little fart", the parrot yelled. The man died of shame and fled from the store. At this point the mice called from their cage and said, "Coco, thanks you! You saved our lives again. You know, we'll make it up to you."
has 60.84 % from 65 votes. More jokes about: animal, death, fart, parrot
Womens are like computer virus... they ENTER your life... SEARCH your pocket... SHIFT your balance ... CONTROL your life... when you become an old version DELET you from the system
has 60.84 % from 65 votes. More jokes about: computer, IT, life, money, women
Q: What is the difference between oral and anal sex? A: Oral sex makes your day and Anal sex makes your whole weak.
has 60.82 % from 164 votes. More jokes about: sex
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