Q: Why is a girls pussy like an ocean?
A: It's really wet and has a Sperm Whale in it.
Chuck Norris can make ice cubes with a microwave.
Did you hear about the black guy that died on the highway?
He stuck his head out the window and his lips beat him to death.
A diner complained, "Waiter, there's a fly in my soup!"
His waiter replied, "That's entirely possible; our cook used to be a tailor."
Yo' Mama is so skanky, she was asked to leave the OTB.
The earth is rotating because Chuck Norris is breathing.
The Mayans predict that Chuck Norris going to roundhouse kick this earth in the year 2012.
Chuck Norris always knows where x is.
Yo' Mama is so ugly, when I walked past your fence, she came out barking.
Chuck Norris can pull a hat out of a rabbit.