The best black humor jokes

Q: Whats worse then a barrel of dead babies? A: There is one at the bottom that is still alive. Q: Whats worse then that? A: He has to eat his way out. Q: Whats worse then that? A: He goes back for more.
has 58.74 % from 385 votes. More jokes about: black humor, dead baby, food
Mummy, mummy, why is daddy swaying in the backyard? Shut up, and give me more bullets.
has 58.65 % from 168 votes. More jokes about: black humor, dad
Daughter: "That's it! I'll mary Arthur!" Mother: "But he is a lazy guy and heavy-drinker!" Father: "But you have to start with something!"
has 58.58 % from 30 votes. More jokes about: alcohol, black humor
Me and my wife decided that we don't want to have children anymore. So anybody who wants one can leave us their phone number and address and we will bring you one.
has 58.52 % from 27 votes. More jokes about: black humor, kids, wife
Q: What's a terrorists favorite American football team? A: The New York Jets.
has 58.51 % from 183 votes. More jokes about: air force, black humor, ethnic, football, terrorist
Hitler: I asked for a glass of juice, not gas the Jews!
has 58.46 % from 362 votes. More jokes about: black humor, Hitler, jewish
Q: What's the difference between Jesus Christ and a painting of Jesus Christ? A: It only takes one nail to hang a painting.
has 58.43 % from 88 votes. More jokes about: black humor, god, religious
Q: What's more offensive than a truck full of dead babies? A: Taking them out with pitchforks.
has 58.38 % from 146 votes. More jokes about: black humor, dead baby, morbid
What happened when the cannibal bit off a missionary's ear? He had his first taste of Christianity!
has 58.09 % from 41 votes. More jokes about: black humor, christian, food
How do you know Charles Sweeney was dyslexic? He wanted to order the flaming saganagi, but he accidentally ordered a flaming Nagasaki.
has 57.73 % from 35 votes. More jokes about: black humor, celebrity, geography, health, war
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