When Chuck Norris opens a bottle of coke happiness runs away screaming.
Chuck Norris smells what the Rock is cooking... because the Rock is Chuck Norris' personal chef.
When Chuck Norris plays the game Clue, the answer is always everyone in every room with a roundhouse kick!
Chuck Norris once ate a whole cake before his friends could tell him there was a stripper in it.
Chuck Norris has a Roundhouse Kick button on his Facebook page, and when he deletes a friend they actually die.
Chuck was once on the Olympics and he won all the medals but he was disqualifyed for roundhouse kicking the judges because they misspelled his name.
Chuck Norris doesn't solve math - math solves Chuck Norris.
Insurance never covers you against damage sustained by Chuck Norris, as it's classed as an Act of God!
Chuck Norris once round house kicked a fat kid in the stomach and his foot print stayed their until the kid lost the weight.
The reason Chuck Norris has never been a doctor on House is because, he would find the diagnosis in one second.
It'd always be Norris Anger Disease.