Q: What is the difference between a chicken and a turkey?
A: Chickens celebrate Thanksgiving!
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Q: Why dont blacks celebrate Thanksgiving?
A: Because KFC isn't open on holidays.
Q: What did the mother turkey say to her disobedient children?
A: If your father could see you now, he'd turn over in his gravy!
Q: What is a turkey's favorite dessert?
A: Peach gobbler.
What's a moo hoo for a cow barn on a holiday?
A merry dairy.
Why did the Pilgrims eat turkey on Thanksgiving?
They couldn't get the moose in the oven!
A Football team was on the field during practice, when to their surprise, a big turkey suddenly walked up to the coach and demanded a tryout. "Are you crazy," hollered the coach, "we don’t give tryouts to turkeys."
Before he knew it the turkey started dashing towards the football and made a fantastic catch.
"That was amazing," exclaimed the coach.
"I have never seen anything like that! How much do you want for a year?"
"Don’t worry about money," said the turkey, "let me just ask you something, does the season go past thanksgiving?"
Q: Why should you never set the turkey next to the desert?
A: Because he will gobble, gobble it up!
Q: How did Albert Einstein celebrate Thanksgiving?
A: He was very thinkful.
What do cows wear when they are on vacation in Hawaii?
Moo moos.
Why couldnt the teddy bear eat any more thanksgiving dinner?
He was already stuffed!