The best lawyer jokes

Q: How many lawyers does it take to build a wall? A: Depends on how deep you stack them.
has 29.93 % from 14 votes. More jokes about: lawyer
How can you tell when a lawyer is lying? His lips are moving.
has 29.01 % from 7 votes. More jokes about: lawyer
Out of courtesy, sharks never attack lawyers.
has 29.01 % from 7 votes. More jokes about: lawyer
A lawyer is standing in a long line at the box office. Suddenly, he feels a pair of hands kneading his shoulders, back, and neck. The lawyer turns around. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" "I'm a chiropractor, and I'm just keeping in practice while I'm waiting in line." "Well, I'm a lawyer, but you don't see me screwing the guy in front of me, do you?"
has 29.01 % from 17 votes. More jokes about: doctor, lawyer
What do you call ten lawyers buried up to their necks in the sand? Football practice.
has 28.61 % from 12 votes. More jokes about: lawyer
Question: How can you tell that an attorney is about to lie? Answer: His lips begin to move.
has 27.71 % from 15 votes. More jokes about: lawyer
A new client had just come in to see a famous lawyer. "Can you tell me how much you charge?" asked the client. "Of course", the lawyer replied, "I charge $200 to answer three questions!" "Well that's a bit steep, isn't it?" "Yes it is", said the lawyer, "And what's your third question?"
has 27.71 % from 15 votes. More jokes about: lawyer, money
A guy was talking with his friend: I’ve managed to separate from my wife in common agreement: she gets the house and I get the car and desk. Ok, but how about your finances? The lawyer takes care of those...
has 27.71 % from 15 votes. More jokes about: car, lawyer, money, wife
A young lawyer says to ones of his colleagues: -A lawyer is the freest creature in the world. He’s not dependent of nothing except of his clients, his colleagues, judge and of the High Court...!
has 27.71 % from 15 votes. More jokes about: lawyer
Q: What's the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead lawyer in the road? A: There are skid marks in front of the dog.
has 27.71 % from 15 votes. More jokes about: lawyer
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