The best money jokes

The best things in life are free, plus tax.
has 16.16 % from 8 votes. More jokes about: money
He was so mean that when he found a pack of corn plasters he went out and bought a pair of tight shoes.
has 16.16 % from 8 votes. More jokes about: money
I hate paying my income tax. You should be a good citizen - why don't you pay with a smile? I'd like to but they insist on money!
has 15.15 % from 17 votes. More jokes about: money, tax
Money should be utilized as a tool. You just gotta know which nuts to screw.
has 14.67 % from 13 votes. More jokes about: money
‘Be careful of men who are bald and rich; the arrogance of “rich” usually cancels out the nice of “bald”.’ Rita Rudner
has 14.23 % from 9 votes. More jokes about: money
At the Cedar Rapids Chamber of Commerce meeting the treasurer reported a deficit of two hundred dollars. One of the chamber members stood up and said, "I vote that we donate half of it to the Red Cross and then give the other fifty dollars to the Salvation Army."
has 13.56 % from 14 votes. More jokes about: money
"Hey, today we got the four of clubs. A guy named Samir al-Aziz, a Ba'ath party bad guy. And we now have the four of clubs, the five of clubs, the five of spades and the seven of diamonds. I don't know what game they're playing at the White House, but today, when it was confirmed that we had the four of clubs, Condoleezza Rice had to take off her blouse." Bill Maher "The Pentagon said this week that the war in Iraq has cost $20 billion so far. The breakdown is operations: $10 billion; personnel: $6 billion; getting Bush re-elected: priceless." Bill Maher "The president boasted at the top of his press conference that we have the support now of Britain and Spain for our attack on Iraq. You know, when you want to make it perfectly clear to the world that you're not an imperialist, the people you want in your corner are Britain and Spain." Bill Maher "Iraq now says that it will, after all, destroy its missiles. President Bush said, 'Please, I used to pull the same trick. There'd be an intervention, I'd make a big show of pouring out the liquor and then there was a case under the floorboards.'" Bill Maher.
has 13.25 % from 152 votes. More jokes about: ethnic, money, political, racist
Our family was so poor our Christmas dinner was the leftovers from our last Christmas dinner.
has 12.98 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: money
If Asda is lowering prices every day, why isn’t anything in the shop free yet?
has 12.72 % from 10 votes. More jokes about: money
‘If you owe the bank $100, that’s your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that’s the bank’s problem.’ John Paul Getty A woman rings her insurance company. ‘Our house burnt down and I want £100,000,’ she says.
has 9.98 % from 54 votes. More jokes about: money
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