The best war jokes

During the Iraq war, a Lieutenant asked the soldier why he was falling back during a really fierce battle, "Didn't you hear me say that we're outnumbered 4 to 1 ?" The soldier replied, "I got my four Sir."
has 65.80 % from 82 votes. More jokes about: military, war
Q: How come so black people died during the war? A: Because when the captain yelled "Get down" they all got up and danced.
has 63.93 % from 212 votes. More jokes about: black people, death, war
This old guy goes into a church in a small town in the hills of Italy and asks the priest to hear his confession. The priest listens and then asks, "Is there anything else?" The old guy says, "During the war, when I was young, a beautiful Germam girl came to my farm after escaping and asked me if I would hide her. I told her I would if she provided me with sexual favors." The priest replies, "Don't worry about it. It was wartime and you both were under a lot of pressure." The old guy says, "Does that mean that I have to tell her that the war is over?"
has 61.45 % from 75 votes. More jokes about: church, life, priest, sex, war
Some American academics, discussing the Six Day War with an Israeli general, were eager to know how it had ended so quickly. The general told them, "We had a crack regiment at the most sensitive front. It was made entirely of lawyers and accountants. When the time came to charge - boy, did they know how to charge!"
has 60.65 % from 44 votes. More jokes about: accountant, college, ethnic, money, war
Q: Why do Soviet soldiers always miss? A: They have terrible Marxmanship.
has 58.09 % from 41 votes. More jokes about: ethnic, management, war
How do you know Charles Sweeney was dyslexic? He wanted to order the flaming saganagi, but he accidentally ordered a flaming Nagasaki.
has 57.73 % from 35 votes. More jokes about: black humor, celebrity, geography, health, war
Why were so many niggers killed in the Vietnam war? Because when the sergeant said to "get down", they all got up and started dancing.
has 57.09 % from 647 votes. More jokes about: black people, war
"Wow, look at that! Isn't it beautiful? Let's destroy it." -People
has 56.50 % from 42 votes. More jokes about: mean, war
Chuck norris was born on May 6 1945. De Nazi surrenderd on May 7 1945.
has 55.90 % from 152 votes. More jokes about: birthday, Chuck Norris, time, war
How does an octopus go to war? Well-armed.
has 53.04 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: animal, war