The best Yo mama jokes

Yo mama so ugly that she doesn't need a costume for Halloween.
has 47.21 % from 27 votes. More jokes about: Halloween, insulting, ugly, Yo mama
Yo mama so fat that she volunteered at the park, as the trampoline.
has 47.21 % from 27 votes. More jokes about: fat, insulting, Yo mama
Yo' Mama is so redneck, the door mat to her trailer home doubles as a mad flap for her pick up truck.
has 46.90 % from 42 votes. More jokes about: insulting, redneck, Yo mama
Yo mama so stupid she put lipstick on her forehead to make up her mind.
has 46.87 % from 29 votes. More jokes about: insulting, stupid, Yo mama
Yo mama so fat that her knuckles have sideburns.
has 46.70 % from 20 votes. More jokes about: fat, Yo mama
Yo momma is so fat, that the last time she farted, a director came up with the movie "Twister".
has 46.54 % from 13 votes. More jokes about: Yo mama
Your momma so fat... All the restaurants in town have signs that say: "Maximum Occupancy: 240 Patrons OR Your Momma"
has 46.54 % from 13 votes. More jokes about: Yo mama
Yo momma so fat it's not even funny anymore.
has 46.54 % from 13 votes. More jokes about: fat, Yo mama
Yo mama is so fat Jesus can't hold her holy spirit.
has 46.54 % from 13 votes. More jokes about: fat, god, insulting, Yo mama
Yo' Mama is so stanky, she gets sourdough yeast infections.
has 46.54 % from 13 votes. More jokes about: health, insulting, Yo mama
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