Q: Why weren't the Republicans behind the verdict in the Saddam Hussein Trial a couple of days before the 2006 Midterm Elections?
A: Because they were so busy fixing the price on oil!
Q: How do you know a blonde just lost her virginity?
A: The crayons are still sticky.
Q. What do you call 300 white men chasing a black man?
A. The PGA tour
They wanted to put Chuck Norris's face on Mount Rushmore, but the granite wasn't hard enough for his beard.
Chuck Norris once walked in the opposite direction in the Running of the Bulls.
The bulls turned around and ran for their lives.
What do your parents' car and testicles have in common?
Hit either one of them and you're grounded.
Chuck Norris was born in a log cabin... that he built with his bare hands.
Q: How do Columbians develop muscle?
A: By pushing drugs.
Chocolate comes from cocoa, which is a tree.
That makes it a plant.
Therefore, chocolate is salad.
Happy Easter!
If you go on google and type find Chuck Norris then click I'm feelin lucky...run