The best black humor jokes

Q: What do you have when a lawyer is buried up to his neck in sand? A: Not enough sand.
has 32.71 % from 35 votes. More jokes about: black humor, death, lawyer, morbid
Awwww, kids. They blow up so fast... Get it, kids grow up so fast.
has 32.30 % from 38 votes. More jokes about: black humor, kids, time
What do you buy a dead baby for its birthday? A dead puppy!
has 31.98 % from 132 votes. More jokes about: birthday, black humor, dead baby, dog, morbid
What do you call a van with 5 faggots in it? The AIDS team.
has 31.72 % from 52 votes. More jokes about: black humor, health
Q: What do you call a 100 lack people in the ocean? A: An oil spill
has 31.68 % from 44 votes. More jokes about: black humor, morbid
And these kids do not deserve a present from me, because they have not been eating well this year, - said Santa Claus, flying over the starving kids in Sudan.
has 31.66 % from 63 votes. More jokes about: black humor
An apple and a black person both fall off a tree at the exact same time who hits the ground first? The apple because the rope catches the black person.
has 31.51 % from 111 votes. More jokes about: black humor
The cannibals on the island Borneo have caught and after that have grilled one gypsy boy on a turnspit. They had to turn him really quickly above the burning fire because at a slower speed of rotation he managed to steal the potatoes from the live coal.
has 31.21 % from 92 votes. More jokes about: black humor, food, morbid
Why did Hitler committed a suicide? He received the bill from Gazprom.
has 31.10 % from 34 votes. More jokes about: black humor
What's the best way to pick up a Jewish girl? Bring a dustpan to Auschwitz
has 30.92 % from 45 votes. More jokes about: black humor
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