Q: What do you have when a lawyer is buried up to his neck in sand?
A: Not enough sand.
Awwww, kids. They blow up so fast...
Get it, kids grow up so fast.
What do you buy a dead baby for its birthday?
A dead puppy!
What do you call a van with 5 faggots in it?
The AIDS team.
Q: What do you call a 100 lack people in the ocean?
A: An oil spill
And these kids do not deserve a present from me, because they have not been eating well this year, - said Santa Claus, flying over the starving kids in Sudan.
An apple and a black person both fall off a tree at the exact same time who hits the ground first?
The apple because the rope catches the black person.
The cannibals on the island Borneo have caught and after that have grilled one gypsy boy on a turnspit.
They had to turn him really quickly above the burning fire because at a slower speed of rotation he managed to steal the potatoes from the live coal.
Why did Hitler committed a suicide? He received the bill from Gazprom.
What's the best way to pick up a Jewish girl?
Bring a dustpan to Auschwitz