Q: What do you call an African-American whose spouse just died?
A: A black widow.
A black woman was filling out forms at the welfare office.
Under "Number of children," she wrote "10," and where it said "List names of children," she wrote "Leroy."
When she handed in the form, the woman behind the desk pointed out:
"Now here where it says "List names of children," you're supposed to write the names of each one of your children."
"Dey all named Leroy," said the black woman.
"That's very unusual.
When you call them, how do they know which one you want?" asked the welfare worker.
The Black woman said, "Oh, den I uses the last names."
Q: What do you call a black light?
A: A mixed person that shines too bright.
How long does it take a black lady to shit?
About 9 months.
Why do niggers carry shit in their wallet?
What’s the difference between a nigger and a car tire?
The tire doesn’t sing when you put it chains!
Why do black people lean to the center of their car?
"They think the smell is coming from the outside."
How do you suffocate a nigger?
Tell him there's weed inside the pillowcase.
Why did Beyonce sing 'to the left', 'to the left'?
- Because black people have no rights..
I walked out of the store and saw a car full of black people lock their car doors i felt pretty badass until i realized it was my car.