What do you call a lesbian dinosaur
A lickalotopis
Chuck Norris stopped playing golf after that unfortunate incident with the dinosaurs.
Meteors didn't kill the dinosaurs, Chuck Norris just needed a new pair of boots.
Jack: "What's the name of the fastest dinosaur at the Olympics?"
Jill: "I haven't a clue. What?"
Jack: "Prontosaurus."
A woman stopped by our customer-service desk and asked me for a copy of the book that has Jesus in it.
After much back-and-forth, I determined that she wanted the Bible.
After searching for a particular book on dinosaurs in the science section without luck, a customer looked to me for help.
She showed me a piece of paper with the title written on it: Thesaurus.
A meteor did not kill the dinosaurs, Chuck Norris just went on a hunting trip.
It is believed dinosaurs are extinct due to a giant meteor.
That's true if you want to call Chuck Norris a giant meteor.
Yo mama is so fat she made all the dinosaurs extinct.
Dinosaurs once crossed Chuck Norris.
Q: What do you get when a dinosaur scores a touchdown?
A: A dino-score.