The best disgusting jokes

If I wanted to hear from an a**hole I would fart.
has 56.98 % from 23 votes. More jokes about: disgusting, fart
Q: What's the difference between pea soup and roast beef? A: Anyone can roast beef.
has 56.98 % from 23 votes. More jokes about: disgusting, food
Q: How do you know when there is a snowman in your bed? A: You wake up wet!
has 56.98 % from 23 votes. More jokes about: disgusting, winter
What's worse than sucking a dozen raw oysters out of your grandmother's vagina? Putting in twelve and sucking out thirteen.
has 56.98 % from 23 votes. More jokes about: disgusting
How do you know you're at a bulimic bachelor party? When the cake jumps out of the girl!
has 56.86 % from 14 votes. More jokes about: disgusting, food
Q: What's the difference between a brown-noser and a sh*thead? A: Depth perception.
has 56.86 % from 14 votes. More jokes about: disgusting
An Aggie and a Longhorn had just bought a ranch together, so they were driving the fence line to check everything out when they came upon a goat with his head stuck in a fence. So the Longhorn gets out of the truck, looks around, and then starts screwing the goat. He gets finished, takes a step back, ands asks the Aggie, "Hey, you want a piece of this?" The Aggie says, ´"Yeah, but do I have to stick my head in the fence?"
has 56.84 % from 20 votes. More jokes about: disgusting
Yo Mama so hairy, when she shaved her legs, your dad thought she got a new carpet.
has 56.78 % from 45 votes. More jokes about: disgusting, ugly, Yo mama
Q: What compliment do you NOT want from a midget? A: Wow! Your hair smells good!
has 56.77 % from 17 votes. More jokes about: disgusting
One day two boys were walking through the woods when they saw some rabbit turds. One of the boys said, "What is that?" "They're smart pills," said the other boy. "Eat them and they'll make you smarter." So he ate them and said, "These taste like crap." "See," said the other boy, "you're getting smarter already."
has 56.77 % from 17 votes. More jokes about: animal, disgusting
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