The best food jokes

Chuck Norris eats blackholes as light snacks.
has 32.71 % from 35 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, food
Chuck norris can eat chicken tonight tomorow.
has 32.62 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: animal, Chuck Norris, food
When Chuck Norris opens a bag of Doritos, it's fucking full!
has 32.47 % from 43 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, food
Why doesnt a man eat out an 80 year old woman? Ever opened up a grilled cheese?
has 31.68 % from 44 votes. More jokes about: age, disgusting, food
Chuck Norris eats beef jerky and craps gunpowder. Then, he uses that gunpowder to make a bullet, which he uses to kill a cow and make more beef jerky. Some people refer to this as the "Circle of Life."
has 31.68 % from 44 votes. More jokes about: animal, Chuck Norris, death, food, life
The cannibals on the island Borneo have caught and after that have grilled one gypsy boy on a turnspit. They had to turn him really quickly above the burning fire because at a slower speed of rotation he managed to steal the potatoes from the live coal.
has 31.21 % from 92 votes. More jokes about: black humor, food, morbid
The last time Chuck Norris was hungry, all the dinosaurs suddenly got extinct...
has 30.80 % from 37 votes. More jokes about: animal, Chuck Norris, food, time
When Chuck Norris opens a bottle of coke happiness runs away screaming.
has 30.43 % from 24 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, food
Chuck Norris smells what the Rock is cooking... because the Rock is Chuck Norris' personal chef.
has 30.43 % from 24 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, food
What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef. What do you call a dog with no legs? You don't because it won't come.
has 30.41 % from 32 votes. More jokes about: animal, dog, food
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