The best sex jokes

Your mama is so stupid, when she lost her dildo she called the cops to look for it.
has 40.15 % from 44 votes. More jokes about: cop, dirty, sex, stupid, Yo mama
Randy Rachel has got a speech impediment – she can’t say no.
has 39.98 % from 42 votes. More jokes about: sex
A hippie walks on a bus and sees a nun. Being the straight forward kind of guy he is, he says "Hey baby, want to have sex?" The nun says "God no!" so she gets off the bus angry. When the hippie is about to get off the bus, the bus driver asks him "Hey man. you see that graveyard across the street?" The hippie go's "yeah I see it, what about it?" "well every Tuesday night at 8:30. the nun go's to the top of the hill to pray. If you dress up as a ghost, and tell her to have sex with you, she'll have too" The hippie replied "sweet!" So Tuesday night comes and the hippie has a ghost costume, 8:30 comes and here comes the nun. The hippie pops out and says "I am the ghost of a man buried here, and I command you to have sex with me!" The nun go's "Well... ok, but I have a virgins aspect so it has to be oral" So the nun and the hippie have oral sex and the hippie runs away and says "Ha, ha I was actually the hippie" and the nun said "Ha, ha I'm actually the bus driver!"
has 39.89 % from 174 votes. More jokes about: gay, sex, time
I tried some of that aphrodisiac rhino horn and it really worked. I’m really beginning to fancy those rhinos now.
has 39.81 % from 40 votes. More jokes about: sex
A woman is divorcing her husband on the grounds of cruelty. His organ is so large it hurts her to have sex. After she has explained her problem to a lawyer, he tells her that he’ll file her petition. ‘Stuff that!’ says the woman. ‘Why can’t you go round and sandpaper his down a bit.’
has 39.74 % from 51 votes. More jokes about: sex
There's something actionable in your pants.
has 39.74 % from 51 votes. More jokes about: sex
So this blonde woman walks into a shop and asks the owner "Have you got a phone I can borrow as I have a bit of money and I want to call my mom." The owner says "yes" and takes her to the back of the room as he realized she was a blonde so he wanted a blowjob. So they go in the back of the room and the guy took his pants off and took out his penis. So the woman gave him the money and she put her mouth on his penis and shouted: "HEY MOM ARE YOU IN THERE!"
has 39.62 % from 38 votes. More jokes about: blonde, money, phone, sex, stupid
My doctor examined my testicles for me and found two small lumps. Luckily it turned out they were my testicles.
has 39.47 % from 58 votes. More jokes about: sex
Lifting weights have really helped me with the ladies - the last five I raped didn't stand a chance.
has 39.35 % from 120 votes. More jokes about: black humor, sex, women
Q: How do you know a gay guy has farted? A: He needs to change his pants afterward.
has 39.30 % from 65 votes. More jokes about: dirty, disgusting, fart, gay, sex
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