The best sex jokes

Yo momma so fat when I crawl in her pussy I can't find my way out.
has 39.21 % from 34 votes. More jokes about: dirty, fat, insulting, sex, Yo mama
What did the Irish spinster keep saying in her prayers? ‘Good Lord, please have Murphy on me…’
has 38.97 % from 43 votes. More jokes about: sex
A guy walks into a drug store and asks for a packet of condoms. The pharmacist says, ‘That’ll be £5.00 with the tax.’ ‘Tacks?’, the guy exclaims. ‘I thought you rolled them on!’
has 38.97 % from 43 votes. More jokes about: sex
Two men were talking about their wives. First: "I'm a teacher whenever we are in bed my wife says repeat please." Second: "I'm a driver when we are sexing she thinks I'm in a gas station so she screws my dick and says: 'fill it up super!'"
has 38.75 % from 30 votes. More jokes about: dirty, men, sex, teacher, work
In bed my girlfriend used to mentally dress me.
has 38.48 % from 48 votes. More jokes about: sex
‘He had ambitions at one time to become a sex maniac, but he failed his practical.’ Les Dawson
has 38.26 % from 62 votes. More jokes about: sex
A man who recently had a sex-change operation was talking to his former buddies at work about the operation. "Was it painful?" someone asked. "Well,"she said. "There was one part that was extremely painful." "I bet I know what part was so painful," someone else said. "I bet it was when they cut off your balls," they said. "No," she said. "I was heavily sedated and didn't feel a thing." "Then it must have been when they cut off your pecker," another person offered. "No," she said. "I was sedated then too, and didn't feel anything." "Then what part of the operation was so painful?" They wanted to know. "Well," she said. "After they were done cutting, they stuck a straw in my ear and sucked out half of my brains."
has 38.15 % from 138 votes. More jokes about: doctor, sex, work
What do you say to a virgin? Thanks for nothing!
has 38.05 % from 60 votes. More jokes about: dirty, sex
Q: Who did little Johnny see when he snuck into the church late one night? A: Pastor Bedtime.
has 38.04 % from 74 votes. More jokes about: church, dirty, little Johnny, sex
Q: When does a pedophile go to sleep? A: When the big hand touches the small one.
has 37.83 % from 58 votes. More jokes about: black humor, dirty, kids, sex
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