Best jokes ever

Did you hear about that music composer who commited suicide? He didn't even leave a note.
has 59.93 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: death, life, music
"My friend is nuts. He thinks he's Bugs Bunny. But I m positive he isn't." "How do you know he isn t?" "Because I am."
has 59.93 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: animal
What did the rabbit bride get on her wedding day? A forty-carrot wedding ring.
has 59.93 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: animal, money, wedding
Harry is very quick with the ladies, before they can tell him they’re not that sort of girl, it’s usually too late.
has 59.90 % from 141 votes. More jokes about: sex
What do you call a pool filled with Black People? Coco Puffs.
has 59.90 % from 160 votes. More jokes about: black people, racist
Alfie was listening to his sister practice her singing. "Sis," he said, "I wish you'd sing Christmas carols." "Thats nice of you, Alfie," she replied, "but why?" Alfie replied, "Because then I'd only have to hear your voice once a year!"
has 59.89 % from 69 votes. More jokes about: Christmas, dirty, music
Little Johnny, "Why are you so fat?" Little Billy, "Cause Every time I fuck ur mom she gives me a doughnut."
has 59.89 % from 69 votes. More jokes about: dirty, little Johnny, sex, vulgar, Yo mama
Q: What do a woman and a bar have in common? A: Liquor in the front, Poker in the back.
has 59.89 % from 69 votes. More jokes about: bar, dirty, game, sex, women
Rome wasn't built in a day because they didn't ask Chuck Norris for help.
has 59.89 % from 69 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
Q: Why do you rarely find mathematicians spending time at the beach? A: Because they can divide sin and cosine to get a tan!
has 59.89 % from 69 votes. More jokes about: math
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