Best jokes ever

I was walking down the street to a video store last night to rent a porno movie when I saw a woman being raped. Saved myself a fiver.
has 55.11 % from 66 votes. More jokes about: black humor
Three guys are stuck on a deserted island when one of them finds a lamp on the beach. He picks it up and gives it a little rub and a genie pop out. The genie looks at the three guys and says: "I normally give three wishes, but since there are three of you, I will grant each of you one wish."Well, the first guy is sick and tired of being on the island, so he wishes to go back home. POOF!He disappears. The second one said he, too, is tired of the island and wishes to go home. POOF!He too disappears. The genie then turns to the last guy and asks him what his wish is."Gee," he says," I'm awfully lonely here by myself. I wish my friends were still here!"
has 55.11 % from 71 votes. More jokes about: desert island, friendship, genie, stupid
On the morning a cop walks into a bar and sees his wife with two of his best friends. He takes a sit on the table behind them to eavesdrop then his wife says "let's have him kidnaped." A poor guy heartbroken pulls out a gun and shoots them all and runs back to his house to grab some cash and clothe to escape. When he finally reached his house and opens the door everyone yells happy birthday!
has 55.11 % from 30 votes. More jokes about: bar, birthday, cop, friendship
Q: What did the constipated mathematician do? A: He worked it out with a pencil!
has 55.11 % from 30 votes. More jokes about: math, work
Yo mama is so ugly that she could be the poster child for birth control.
has 55.11 % from 30 votes. More jokes about: baby, birthday, insulting, ugly, Yo mama
How do you start a teddy bear race? Ready, teddy, go.
has 55.11 % from 30 votes. More jokes about: animal, game
Chuck Norris won the gold, silver and bronze medals at the Olympics. In the same event. From home.
has 55.11 % from 30 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
At work, a blonde notices her that cubicle mate has a thermos. She asks him what it's for, and he responds, "It keeps hot things hot, and cold things cold." The blonde immediately buys one. The next day, she goes to work and proudly displays it. Her cube mate asks, "What do you have in it?" The blonde says, "Soup and ice cream."
has 55.11 % from 30 votes. More jokes about: blonde, food, work
Q: What do squirrels give for Valentine's Day? A: Forget-me-nuts.
has 55.11 % from 30 votes. More jokes about: animal, Valentines day
Q: What do you call a trial balance that doesn't balance? A: A late night.
has 55.11 % from 30 votes. More jokes about: accountant, time
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