Wanna party with me like you just don't care?
Put your hand up 45° in the air!
Hitler: I asked for a glass of juice, not gas the Jews!
Q: What was the one thing Hitler did well?
A: Kill himself.
Chuck Norris and Hitler were sitting in a cafe.
Chuck said, "I don't like the juice."
Hitler heard him wrong.
Do you know how Hitler tied his tennis shoes?
In little Natzie's.
The real reason Hitler killed himself is because he found out that Chuck Norris is Jewish.
Q: What is the difference between Michael Phelps and Adolf Hitler?
A: Michael Phelps can finish a race.
Hitler got a heart attack when he saw the gas bill.
The true reason why the Nazi's lost the war was because they stopped trying after they found out Chuck Norris had a summer home in Russia.
Q: Why did hitter kill himself?
A: Because he could not pay the gas bill.