The best IT jokes

C program run. C program crash. C programmer quit.
has 28.45 % from 20 votes. More jokes about: IT
Girlfriend pregnant error... Abort, Marry, Ignore?
has 27.74 % from 29 votes. More jokes about: baby, IT, marriage
You realize that you are dependent of the internet when: You forget in what year you are. You get out from you’re room and you discover that you’re parent moved and you don’t even know when that happened. You dream only of quick connections. You open you’re interphone when you get out from you’re room so you can hear when you get an e-mail.
has 27.71 % from 15 votes. More jokes about: IT
Two packets walk into a bar. One of the packets asks the bartender for a drink, and gets no response The other packet tries and the bartender shrugs him off. One packet leans to the other and says, "The quality of service here is terrible!"
has 27.71 % from 15 votes. More jokes about: IT
How come the women loves the PC? It’s easier to turn on!
has 26.97 % from 21 votes. More jokes about: computer, IT, love
Chuck Norris doesn't go on the Internet, he has every Internet site stored in his memory. He refreshes webpages by blinking.
has 26.33 % from 75 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, IT, memory, technology
Chuck Norris gave Black Ops a thumbs up and people at Microsoft a roundhouse kick in the face. Suck it Microsoft.
has 26.01 % from 37 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, computer, game, IT, technology
Pentiums melt in your PC, not in your hand.
has 25.81 % from 16 votes. More jokes about: IT
What did the psychiatrist say to the android kleptomaniac? DON'T keep taking the tablets!
has 25.81 % from 16 votes. More jokes about: IT
Did you know you can download the whole Tyson-Holyfield fight off the internet? It doesn’t take much memory – just two Bytes.
has 25.67 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: IT, memory, sport, technology
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