The best jokes about life

A: How do children in Baghdad do? A: Bombastically.
has 26.75 % from 30 votes. More jokes about: black humor, death, kids, life, war
How do you know which one is your boss from a crowd of 500 people? You say: “My boss is a stupidest asshole!”
has 26.01 % from 37 votes. More jokes about: life
Man returning with his wife from guests. Drunk man drives car better than his sober wife. But there is only one problem, how to explain that to the policeman?
has 25.91 % from 34 votes. More jokes about: life
The old woman comes to a gynecologist. He inspects her and says with the surprice: An old woman, you're pregnant! How did you managed at your age...? Oh, those teens. They always asks to tell them everything, then show and give to try...
has 25.82 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: life
Why did the Viking buy an old boat? Because he couldn't afjord a new one!
has 25.67 % from 19 votes. More jokes about: life
I've recently got a stalker. He's everywhere all the time. And his thing is that he sends other people to profess his love for me. So I can be walking down the street and all of a sudden a lady will appear screaming: "JESUS LOVES YOU."
has 25.67 % from 19 votes. More jokes about: life
How long does it take a Mexican to build a, holy shit they're done!
has 23.39 % from 34 votes. More jokes about: life
What is special about a dead baby over all other forms of life? You can achieve deep throat from whichever way you enter.
has 22.94 % from 317 votes. More jokes about: baby, dead baby, disgusting, life, sex
The Dove Bar's like an 80-pound wad of chocolate on a toothpick. If you're not careful when you take it out of the package, you'll snap your wrists.
has 22.70 % from 18 votes. More jokes about: chocolate, life
What difference is between a man and Paris? The Paris remains Paris!
has 22.17 % from 43 votes. More jokes about: life
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