The best sex jokes

‘Sex for an old guy is a bit like shooting pool with a rope.’ George Burns
has 53.46 % from 61 votes. More jokes about: sex
Life is a sexually transmitted disease.
has 53.18 % from 63 votes. More jokes about: sex
The teacher had given the class an assignment. He stressed the importance of this particular assignment, and that no excuses would be accepted except illness or a death in the immediate family. A smart-ass student pipes up: "What about extreme sexual exhaustion, sir?" The class breaks up laughing, and when they settle down the teacher responds with: "Well, I guess you'll have to learn to write with your other hand."
has 53.07 % from 70 votes. More jokes about: death, family, school, sex, teacher
An old man goes to his doctor and says, ‘Can you give me something to lower my sex drive.’ The doctor replies, ‘I would have thought at your age it’s all in the mind,’ ‘It is,’ agrees the old man. ‘That’s why I want it lower.’
has 53.07 % from 70 votes. More jokes about: sex
I'm like happy meal. "Coz you are small and pretty?" "No, coz I always c*m with a toy inside.
has 53.03 % from 36 votes. More jokes about: food, sex, women
Question master: ‘In the Garden of Eden, what were the first words Eve said to Adam?’ Contestant: ‘Gosh, that’s a hard one!’ Question master: ‘Well done. Two points.’
has 53.01 % from 77 votes. More jokes about: sex
What do you call kinky sex with chocolate? S&M&M.
has 52.91 % from 53 votes. More jokes about: sex
My girlfriend likes to pretend to be a 14 year old when we have sex. I don't get it she will be 14 in a few years anyway.
has 52.89 % from 121 votes. More jokes about: sex
‘I believe that sex between two people is a beautiful experience. Between five it’s fantastic!’ Woody Allen
has 52.81 % from 100 votes. More jokes about: sex
Why is sex like a game of bridge? You don’t need a partner if you’ve got a good hand.
has 52.77 % from 48 votes. More jokes about: sex
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