Best jokes ever

What usually happens when a man puts his best foot forward? It ends up in his mouth.
has 35.23 % from 10 votes. More jokes about: men
Q: There are 17 blonds standing outside a disco but why couldn't they get in? A: The sign said "must be 18 to enter".
has 35.23 % from 10 votes. More jokes about: blonde
Q: How many lawyers does it take to plaster a wall? A: It depends how hard you throw them.
has 35.23 % from 10 votes. More jokes about: lawyer
Law of Cat Disinterest A cat's interest level will vary in inverse proportion to the amount of effort a human expends in trying to interest him.
has 35.23 % from 10 votes. More jokes about: animal
Johnny collected lots of money from trick or treating and he went to the candy store to buy some chocolate. ' You should give that money to charity,' said the shopkeeper. 'No, I'll buy the chocolate. You give the money to charity!'
has 35.23 % from 10 votes. More jokes about: food, money
Q. What's the difference between men and government bonds? A. Bonds mature.
has 35.23 % from 10 votes. More jokes about: men
The old mosquito puts the little baby’s to bed and tells them: If you are good, tomorrow I’m going to take you to the nudists.
has 35.23 % from 10 votes. More jokes about: animal
Two alpinists on a mountain: One of them falls in a crack, the other jumps at the hole and screams after the other one: Are you hurt? Noooooo! He hears. How come? I’m still fallinnnnnnn!
has 35.23 % from 10 votes. More jokes about: sport
A man walks into a bar and orders a beer then looks into his pocket. He does this over and over again. Finally, the bartender asks why he orders a beer and after drinking it he looks into his pocket. The man responded, " I have a picture of my wife in there and when she starts to look good then i'll go home."
has 35.23 % from 10 votes. More jokes about: alcohol
A man walks into a bar has a few drinks and asks what his tab was. The bartender replies that it is twenty dollars plus tip. The guy says, "I'll bet you my tab double or nothing that I can bite my eye." The bartender accepts the bet, and the guy pulls out his glass eye and bites it. He has a few more drinks and asks for his bill again. The bartender reports that his bill now is thirty dollars plus tip. He bets the bartender he can bite his other eye. The bartender accepts knowing the man can't possibly have two glass eyes. The guy then proceeds by taking out his false teeth and biting his other eye.
has 35.23 % from 10 votes. More jokes about: alcohol
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