Best jokes ever

A girlfriend said to me during sex that I should be a little more graceful, so I went to ballet classes!
has 59.20 % from 48 votes. More jokes about: communication, relationship, sex
A father went to take his daughter from school. While waiting, he heard her talking with a classmate of hers "I worry so much-..! My dad works 16 hours a day so he can build a dream house for when I grow up. My mom spends her days cooking for me, making deserts and tiding my room so I can have fun. I worry. I’m so worried!" "With that kind of parents you have nothing to worry about," her friend told her. "Yeah, but what if... What if they... What if they... ESCAPE?"
has 59.20 % from 48 votes. More jokes about: dad, kids, school, work
I got into an embarrassing situation at a swingers' party last night. I snuck up behind an older lady, started fucking her from behind then looked up and suddenly realised that the guy at the other end of the spitroast, getting a blowjob, was my dad. I said, "After 30 years of marriage I can't believe you're being unfaithful to mum." He said, "I'm not."
has 59.19 % from 125 votes. More jokes about: disgusting, sex
What's lil Wayne's favorite kind of pizza? Little Seizures. What? To soon?
has 59.19 % from 15 votes. More jokes about: life, music
What's the best way to make a bull sweat? Put him in a tight jumper !
has 59.19 % from 15 votes. More jokes about: animal
What do you get when a cow goes to the Beach with tanning oil? Pre-tanned leather.
has 59.19 % from 15 votes. More jokes about: animal
What do you call a cow on the barnyard floor? Ground Beef.
has 59.19 % from 15 votes. More jokes about: animal
What did one dairy cow say to another? Got milk?
has 59.19 % from 15 votes. More jokes about: animal, food
Cow: "Why don't you shoo those flies?" Bull: "I ll let them go barefoot!"
has 59.19 % from 15 votes. More jokes about: animal
What animals do you bring to bed? Your calves.
has 59.19 % from 15 votes. More jokes about: animal
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