The best animal jokes

Chuck Norris was mauled by a bear once, then the bear woke up and apologized.
has 66.17 % from 123 votes. More jokes about: animal, Chuck Norris
Why are rabbits like calculators? They both multiply a lot.
has 66.10 % from 34 votes. More jokes about: animal, math
Rabbit: "Are you sure this bottle of special carrot juice will cure me?" Doctor: "Absolutely. No rabbit ever came back for another."
has 66.10 % from 34 votes. More jokes about: animal, death, doctor, food
"I can't decide whether to buy a bicycle or a cow for my farm." "Well, wouldn't you look silly riding a cow?" "I d look a darn sight sillier trying to milk a bicycle!"
has 66.10 % from 34 votes. More jokes about: animal, car
Q: Whats the Diffenence between kinky and perverted? A1: Kinky is when you tickle your girl friends ass with a feather. A2: Perverted is when you use the whole chicken...
has 66.09 % from 76 votes. More jokes about: animal, dirty, disgusting
Q: Why do beavers spend a fortune on the Internet? A: They never want to log off.
has 65.94 % from 62 votes. More jokes about: animal, internet, money
During camouflage training in Louisiana, a private disguised as a tree trunk had made a sudden move that was spotted by a visiting general. "You simpleton!" the officer barked. "Don't you know that by jumping and yelling the way you did, you could have endangered the lives of the entire company?" "Yes sir," the solder answered apologetically. "But, if I may say so, I did stand still when a flock of pigeons used me for target practice. And I never moved a muscle when a large dog peed on my lower branches. But when two squirrels ran up my pants leg and I heard the bigger say, "Let's eat one now and save the other until winter' - that did it!"
has 65.91 % from 122 votes. More jokes about: animal, dog, life, military, winter
How does a leopard change its spots? When it gets tired of one spot it just moves to another.
has 65.91 % from 41 votes. More jokes about: animal
I went to the pet shop and asked for 12 bees The clerk counted out 13 bees and handed them over. "You've given me one too many" I said. "That one is a freebie"
has 65.88 % from 55 votes. More jokes about: animal
Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house everyone felt shitty even the mouse. Mom at the whorehouse and dad smoking grass, I settled down for a nice piece of ass. When all of a sudden I heard such a clatter, I sprung from my place to see what was the matter. When out on the lawn I saw a big dick, I new in a moment it must be Saint Nick. He came down the chimney like a bat out of hell, I knew in a moment the f*cker had fell. He filled all of our stockings with pretzels and beer and a big rubber dick for my brother the queer. He rose up the chimney with a thunderous fart, the son of a b*tch tore the chimney apart. He swore and he cursed as he flew out of sight, "piss on you all and have a hell of a night."
has 65.84 % from 300 votes. More jokes about: animal, Christmas, dirty, fart
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