The best animal jokes

What do you call a show full of lions? The mane event.
has 50.70 % from 17 votes. More jokes about: animal
Why was the lion-tamer fined? He parked on a yellow lion.
has 50.70 % from 17 votes. More jokes about: animal
What is the fiercest flower in the garden? The tiger lily.
has 50.70 % from 17 votes. More jokes about: animal
What has antlers, pulls Father Christmas sleigh and is made of cement? I don't know. A reindeer. What about the cement? I just threw that in to make it hard.
has 50.70 % from 17 votes. More jokes about: animal, Santa
How do you weigh a whale? On Whale Weigh Scales.
has 50.70 % from 17 votes. More jokes about: animal
What do you get if you cross an eel with a shopper? A slippery customer.
has 50.70 % from 17 votes. More jokes about: animal
Did you hear about the horse with the negative altitude? He always said "Neigh"
has 50.70 % from 17 votes. More jokes about: animal
More than anything, Bob wanted to be a cowpoke. Taking pity on him, a rancher decided to hire the lad and give him a chance. "This," he said, showing him a rope, "is a lariat. We use it to catch cows." "I see," said Bob, trying to seem knowledgeable as he examined the lariat. "And what do you use for bait?"
has 50.70 % from 22 votes. More jokes about: animal, life
Why don't cows ever have any money? Because the farmers milk them dry.
has 50.70 % from 22 votes. More jokes about: animal, money
Which rabbits were famous bank robbers? Bunny and Clyde.
has 50.70 % from 22 votes. More jokes about: animal
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