The best jokes about men

What's the difference between a man and a messy room? You can straighten up a messy room.
has 39.90 % from 9 votes. More jokes about: men
I had to divorce my husband for religious reasons, I'm a catholic and living with him is hell.
has 39.90 % from 9 votes. More jokes about: men
Men are like.....Government bonds. They take so long to mature.
has 39.50 % from 19 votes. More jokes about: men
Q: What is difference between man and Superman? A: Man wears underwear under the trouser and superman wears it over the trouser.
has 39.50 % from 19 votes. More jokes about: men
Women dream of world peace, a safe environment, and eliminating hunger. What do men dream of? Being stuck in an elevator with the Doublemint twins.
has 39.47 % from 11 votes. More jokes about: men
How do you know if your man is dead? The sex is the same, but there's less ironing.
has 39.47 % from 11 votes. More jokes about: men
One guy says to a bald guy "Your hair ran away to find someone with a brain."
has 39.42 % from 36 votes. More jokes about: insulting, mean, men, stupid
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something."
has 39.32 % from 13 votes. More jokes about: men
Men are like guns. Keep one around long enough and your going to want to shoot it.
has 39.32 % from 13 votes. More jokes about: men
What does a man consider a seven course meal? A hot dog and a six pack.
has 39.32 % from 15 votes. More jokes about: men
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