Best jokes ever

Chuck Norris won the World Horseshoe Pitching Contest while they were still attached to a Clydesdale.
has 51.61 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris cleans up crime... with a mop and bucket... full of people's blood.
has 51.61 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, death
Chuck Norris can do the splits in mid air,rotate his hips 360" so fast it lifts him off the ground thus making the Chuck Copter!
has 51.61 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris's version of a "chocolate milkshake" is a raw porterhouse wrapped around ten Hershey bars, and doused in diesel fuel.
has 51.61 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, food
Chuck Norris has never used a question mark in his life.
has 51.61 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
They said that a picture is worth a 1000 words, a picture of Chuck Norris is worth a 1000 ways to die.
has 51.61 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris can do push-ups in a sit-up position.
has 51.61 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, fitness
Chuck Norris can lie honestly.
has 51.61 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris can piss into Gale force winds.
has 51.61 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
How many skunks do you need to make a house really smelly? Just a phew.
has 51.61 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: animal, fart
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