The best Chuck Norris jokes

Physics is bound by the laws of Chuck Norris.
has 72.43 % from 128 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, science
Chuck refers to himself in the fourth person.
has 72.41 % from 132 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
Film makers are smart enough NOT to make a Chuck Norris movie in 3D.
has 72.39 % from 136 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
The last digit of pi is Chuck Norris. He is the end of all things.
has 72.37 % from 140 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
The Grimm Reaper fears the day Chuck Norris comes for him.
has 72.35 % from 107 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
They once had a showing of Walker Texas Ranger in 3D. There where no survivors.
has 72.34 % from 152 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
There is no such thing as global warming. Chuck Norris was cold, so he turned the sun up.
has 72.33 % from 228 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, weather
Teacher to student "Why is every answer on your test 'Chuck Norris'?" Student to teacher "Chuck Norris is the answer to all problems!"
has 72.32 % from 86 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
Do you know why babys cry when they are born? Because they know they are entering the world with chuck Norris in it.
has 72.31 % from 188 votes. More jokes about: baby, Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because Chuck Norris only recognizes the element of surprise.
has 72.31 % from 184 votes. More jokes about: chemistry, Chuck Norris, science
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