The best Chuck Norris jokes

Just the thought of using Chuck Norris in a war is considered a terrible crime against humanity.
has 66.24 % from 110 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, war
Chuck Norris can close Pandora's Box.
has 66.21 % from 66 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
Uri Geller bends spoons with his mind, Chuck Norris bends minds with a spoon.
has 66.21 % from 66 votes. More jokes about: celebrity, Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris was mauled by a bear once, then the bear woke up and apologized.
has 66.17 % from 123 votes. More jokes about: animal, Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris can drown a fish.
has 66.14 % from 136 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, fish
There was no Big Bang at the beginning of the Universe, Chuck Norris simply sneezed.
has 65.94 % from 62 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
The two thousand member Catholic church was filled to overflowing capacity one Sunday morning. The priest was ready to start the Mass when two men, dressed in long black coats and black hats entered thru the rear of the church. One of the two men walked to the middle of the church while the other stayed at the back of the church. They both then reached under their coats and withdrew automatic weapons. The one in the middle announced, "Everyone willing to take a bullet for Jesus stay in your seats!" Naturally, the pews emptied, followed by the choir. The deacons ran out the door, followed by the choir director and the alter boy. After a few moments, there were about twenty people left sitting in the church. The priest was holding steady in the pulpit. The men put their weapons away and said, gently, "All right, Father, the hypocrites are gone now. You may begin the Mass."
has 65.93 % from 99 votes. More jokes about: catholic, christian, Chuck Norris, vulgar
Chuck Norris' toothpaste doesn't have baking soda in it, it has gunpowder in it.
has 65.86 % from 48 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris keeps his friends close and his enemies closer. Close enough to drop them with one round house kick to the face.
has 65.66 % from 134 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, death, friendship
Chuck Norris sees dead people...and they run.
has 65.58 % from 111 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
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