I want to make a Facebook account and the name will be Nobody so when I see stupid crap people post, I can Like it.
And it will say Nobody Likes This.
Why is Facebook like Jail?
"You have a profile picture, you sit around all day writing on walls, and you get poked by guys you don't really know!"
I'm going to change my Facebook name to Benefits.
Now, when someone adds me on Facebook, it will say: you are now friends with Benefits.
Whoever said technology will replace paper has obviously never tried to wipe their butt with an iPad.
Behind every successful student, there is a deactivated Facebook account.
Google+ is the gym of social networking.
We all join, but nobody actually uses it.
Facebook is like a fridge.
Even when u know there's nothing new going on, u still go on & check it every 10 minute.
I wonder what Facebook employees do to waste their time at work?
You know, I have Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Skype accounts...
Man, and do you have life?
OMG, No! Could you send me a link?
Yo mama so stupid she stuck her face into a book to make a Facebook.