What's a skunk's favourite game in school?
Show and smell.
The phrase "I am become death, destroyer of worlds" was actually first coined by Chuck Norris when he came out of the womb.
What is a dolphin's favorite TV show?
Whale of fortune.
Q. What did the snail say when he hitched a ride on the turtle?
A. Wheeeee.
Q: What did the maxi pad say to the fart?
A: You are the wind beneath my wings.
Chuck Norris was once in a catch 22, but he roundhouse kicked it down to to a 12 pack and literally drank his problems away.
When Chuck Norris tries to kill himself, he always dodges the killing blow 'cause he's that awesome.
What's a cow's favorite moosical note?
Chuck Norris can kill your imaginary friends.
Did you hear about the pub owner who raised a baby rabbit?
It was an inn-grown hare.